Get support managing global talent

The Welcome2Upper Austria Service Centre provides HR managers with support in ensuring that employees from aboard enjoy a successful start to their new job and are integrated into the company and daily life. You can benefit from our valuable experience in developing a structured onboarding process for international talent from all over the world. We provide the best connections.
We quickly establish contact with the relevant institutions, provide English-language specialist brochures and organise social and information events. The Welcome2Upper Austria website provides internationals with a comprehensive overview of living and working in Upper Austria as a business location that is an attractive place to live and work.

Our services:

  • Structured onboarding
    Individual consulting for internationals to support HR managers

  • First point of contact in the settling-in process
    Information on formalities and the necessary steps, (temporary) accommodation, English-speaking doctors, banks, language schools etc.

  • English language guides and reference books
    Information and tips on living and working in Upper Austria

  • Hub for relevant institutions and contacts
    Residence and employment permits, recognition of qualifications, tax advice, childcare and schools, etc.

  • English language information events
    Information evenings on topics such as local tax and social security systems, employee tax assessment, labour law etc.

  • Cultural and social events
    Events to check out Upper Austrian culture and customs and promote development of an international community in Upper Austria

Evelyn Hetzinger- Projektassistentin Netzwerk Human Ressourcen (NHR) Business Upper Austria - die Standortagentur des Landes OÖ

Evelyn Hetzinger

Project Manager

Talent Attraction Programme, Come2Upper Austria

Mobile: +43 664 848 1271