

Ing. DI (FH) Werner Pamminger, MBA - Geschäftsführung

Werner Pamminger

Mobile: +43 664 222 8125
Foto von Christian Altmann

Christian Altmann

Head of Cluster and Cooperation
Mobile: +43 664 818 6561
Foto von Andrea Heiml

Andrea Heiml

Corporate strategy
Mobile: +43 664 852 0900
Portraitfoto Karin Kohlmayr

Karin Kohlmayr

Foto von Gabriele Randacher-Schöffl

Gabriele Randacher-Schöffl

Mobile: +43 664 848 1262
Foto von Christine Schröder

Christine Schröder

Assistant to CEO
Mobile: +43 664 848 1226
Foto von Sonja Mooseder

Sonja Mooseder-Spelitz

Legal Advice
Mobile: +43 664 818 6556
Mag. Klaus Steinbrecher - Organisationsentwicklung  Business Upper Austria - die Wirtschaftsagentur des Landes Oberösterreich

Mag. Klaus Steinbrecher

Legal Advice
Mobile: +43 664 859 9575
Mag. Florian Winner - Leitung Forschungs- & Innovationsförderberatung Business Upper Austria -  die Standortagentur des Landes Oberösterreich

Florian Winner

Head of Research and Innovation Consulting
Mobile: +43 664 848 1239
Foto von Daniel Födinger

Daniel Födinger

Project Manager

Advice on R & D cooperations, regional and national funding programmes for technology

Mobile: +43 664 848 1247
Foto von Markus Behawy

Markus Behawy

Project Manager

Funding program F&E-Impuls SINGLE

Mobile: +43 664 848 1241
Portraitbild Felix Fremuth

Felix Fremuth

Project manager
Mobile: +43 664 852 0903
Foto von Udo Gennari

Udo Gennari

Project Manager

Information about patents, registered designs, Trademark; innovation management

Mobile: +43 664 848 1242
Olivera Gracanin - Projektmanagerin Business Upper Austria -  die Standortagentur des Landes Oberösterreich

Olivera Gracanin

Project manager
Mobile: + 43 664 848 1266
Foto von Edith Greindl

Edith Greindl

Project Manager

Advice on & coaching for European funding programmes; Horizon Europe I Eurostars

Mobile: +43 664 848 1273
Foto von Susanne Herain

Susanne Herain-Aigner

Project Manager

Funding programm "Innovation Assistants / Consultants for SMEs", Advice on & coaching for regional and national funding programmes

Mobile: +43 664 848 1256
Xeniya Leitner - Assistentin Business Upper Austria -  die Standortagentur des Landes Oberösterreich

Xeniya Leitner

Mobile: +43 664 856 8534
Zuzana Lettner | Projektmanagerin bei Business Upper Austria

Ing. Zuzana Lettner

Project manager
Mobile: +43 664 848 1286
Foto von Markus Mair

Markus Mair

Project Manager

Mediation of international cooperation and business partners in the field of technology and research, Enterprise Europe Network www.biz-up.at/een

Mobile: +43 664 848 1250
Foto von Roland Nöbauer

Roland Nöbauer

Project Manager

Advice on R&D cooperations, regional and national funding programmes for technology

Mobile: +43 664 848 1244
Mag. Claudia Roither Projektmanagerin Forschungs- und Innovationsförderberatung

Claudia Roither

Project Manager

Advice on & coaching for regional and national funding programmes
Office hours: Tues - Thu 8.00 - 13.00

Mobile: +43 664 848 1255
DI Dr. Philipp Schöftner – Projektmanager - Vermittlung internationaler Kooperations- und Geschäftspartner im Technologie- und Forschungsbereich, Enterprise Europe Network www.biz-up.at/een Business Upper Austria -  die Standortagentur des Landes Oberösterreichr

Philipp Schöftner

Project Manager

Mediation of international cooperation and business partners in the field of technology and research, Enterprise Europe Network www.biz-up.at/een

Mobile: +43 664 856 8521
Portraitbild Sonja Sesser

Sonja Sesser

Project manager
Mobile: +43 664 787 36248

Sedef Seven

Mobile: +43 664 884 98712
Portraitfoto Sophia Schauer

Sophia Schauer

Project manager
Mobile: +43 664 856 8522
Benjamin Weissacher - Projektmanager Business Upper Austria -  die Standortagentur des Landes Oberösterreich

Benjamin Weissacher

Project manager
Mobile: +43 664 787 36662
Portrait Alexandra Puchner © Markus Nitsche Fotografie

Alexandra Puchner

Head of Investor and Location Management
Mobile: +43 664 848 1294
Portraitbild Amela Alibabic

Amela Alibabic

Project assistant
Mobile: +43 664 965 8925
Portraitbild Simon Asanger

Simon Asanger

Project manager
Foto von Rainer Edelsbrunner

Rainer Edelsbrunner

Project Manager
Mobile: +43 664 818 6578
Isabell Froschauer, LL.B. - Projektmanagement Investoren- & Standortmanagement Business Upper Austria - die Wirtschaftsagentur des Landes Oberösterreich

Isabell Froschauer, LL.B.

Project Manager
Mobile: +43 664 927 9516
Portraitbild Andreas Neuhofer

Andreas Neuhofer

Project manager
Mobile: +43 664 856 8509
Portraitbild Julia Pisarek

Julia Pisarek

Project manager
Mobile: +43 664 848 1275
Portrait Caroline Plakolm

Caroline Plakolm

Project assistant
Mobile: +43 664 787 36566
Mag. Alexandra Prückl - Projektmanagement Investoren- & Standortmanagement Business Upper Austria - die Wirtschaftsagentur des Landes Oberösterreic

Mag. Alexandra Prückl

Project Manager
Mobile: +43 664 136 2073
Konstantin Rodosthenous, MSc

Konstantin Rodosthenous

Project manager
Mobile: +43 664 787 36297
Rohringer Verena Portrait

Verena Rohringer

Project manager
Mobile: +43 664 818 6583
Foto von Sylvia Sturany

Sylvia Sturany

Project Assistant
Mobile: +43 664 8481231
Foto von Herbert Reitmann

Herbert Reitmann

Project Manager

Lead Projects Tourism
Investors Location

Mobile: +43 664 316 8356

Heike Kniesel

Project Manager

Projects Tourism
Investors Location

Mobile: +43 664 884 98718
Mag. Manfred Luger - Leiter Human Capital Management

Manfred Luger

Head of Human Capital Management
Mobile: +43 664 556 2996
Portraitfoto Elif Akcan

Elif Akcan

Project manager
Mobile: +43 664 780 53688
Portrait MMag. Magdalena Bacher-Wieczorek

Magdalena Bacher-Wieczorek

Project Manager
Mobile: +43 664 856 8533
Bernhard Deschberger

Bernhard Deschberger

Project manager
Mobile: +43 664 787 36661
Markus Ellmer - Projektmanager Human Capital Management

Markus Ellmer

Project manager
Mobile: +43 664 884 95308
Nina Frisch - Projektassistentin Human Capital Management

Nina Frisch

Project manager
Mobile: +43 664 828 3889
Ferdinand Geisselhofer, MA - Projektmanager Human Capital Management

Ferdinand Geisselhofer

Project manager
Mobile: +43 664 848 1290
blank profile picture

Vanessa Grabner

Project assistant
Portrait von Marlene Haudum

Marlene Haudum, BSc

Mobile: +43 664 848 1299
Evelyn Hetzinger- Projektassistentin Netzwerk Human Ressourcen (NHR) Business Upper Austria - die Standortagentur des Landes OÖ

Evelyn Hetzinger

Project Manager

Talent Attraction Programme, Come2Upper Austria

Mobile: +43 664 848 1271
Daria Ivanova MSc - Projektassistentin Human Capital Management

Daria Ivanova

Project Assistent
Mobile: +43 664 787 36245
Foto von Christian Mayer

Christian Mayer

Mobile: +43 664 818 6555
Irene Moser

Irene Moser

Project Manager
Mobile: +43 664 818 6566
Portraitfoto Lydia Müller

Lydia Müller

Project manager
Mobile: +43 664 128 9746
Human Capital Management, Business Upper Austria

Ursula Porkert

Project Manager
Mobile: +43 664 848 1243
Mag.a. Claudia Luca - Projektassistentin Human Capital Management Business Upper Austria -  die Standortagentur des Landes Oberösterreich

Mag.a. Claudia Luca

Project Manager
Mobile: +43 664 856 8539
Portraitfoto Maryuri Pilz

Maryuri Pilz

Project assistant
Foto von Susanne Walch-Trostmann

Susanne Walch-Trostmann

Project Assistant
Mobile: +43 664 848 1267
DI Klaus Oberreiter, MBA - Leitung Policy & Standortstrategie Business Upper Austria - die Wirtschaftsagentur des Landes Oberösterreich

Klaus Oberreiter

Head of Policy & Location Strategy
Mobile: +43 664 965 8929
Annalena Reisinger, BA - Projektmanagerin Policy & Standortstrategie

Annalena Reisinger, BA

Project manager
Mobile: +43 664 848 1278
Raphaela Saxa - Projektmanagerin Policy & Standortstrategie

Raphaela Saxa

Project manager
Mobile: +43 664 7873 6664
Portraitfoto Lisa-Marie Stierberger

Lisa-Marie Stierberger

Mobile: +43 664 856 8507
Portraitfoto Christian Altmann

Christian Altmann

Head of Cluster and Cooperation

commercial procuration

Mobile: +43 664 818 6561
Portraitfoto Bettina Mayrhofer, Project Assistant

Bettina Mayrhofer

Mobile: +43 664 828 3960
Phone: +43 732 79810-5089
Foto von Christoph Matthias Reiss-Schmidt

Christoph Matthias Reiss-Schmidt

Mobile: +43 664 818 6586
Portrait-Foto Wolfgang Bohmayr

Wolfgang Bohmayr

Manager Plastics Cluster

Further contact persons 

Plastics Cluster

Mobile: +43 664 884 95307
Ing. Florian Danmayr, MA Clustermanager Automobil Cluster der Standortagentur Oberösterreich, Business Upper Austria

Florian Danmayr

Manager Automotive Cluster

Further contact persons

Automotive Cluster

Mobile: +43 664 818 6563
Erich Gaffal - Cluster Manager Möbel- und  Holzbau Cluster (MHC)  Business Upper Austria - die Wirtschaftsagentur des Landes Oberösterreich

Erich Gaffal

Manager Furniture & Timber Construction Cluster

Further contact persons 

Furniture & Timber Construction Cluster

Mobile: +43 664 818 6564
Ing. Mag. Frederic Hadjari Cluster-Manager im IT-Cluster der Standortagentur Oberösterreich, Business Upper Austria

Ing. Mag. Frederic Hadjari

Manager IT-Cluster and Office Manager at Softwarepark Hagenberg

Further contact persons

Mobile: +43 664 848 1257
Portraitfoto Heidrun Hochreiter

Heidrun Hochreiter

Manager Upper Austrian Food Cluster
Mobile: +43 664 848 1233
Mag. Elmar Paireder Manager Mechatronik Cluster der Standortagentur Business Upper Austria Leitung Büro Linz

Elmar Paireder

Manager Mechatronics Cluster

Further contact persons


Mobile: +43 664 818 6574
DI Dorian Wessely - Cluster-Manager Cleantech-Cluster (CTC) Business Upper Austria - die Standortagentur des Landes Oberösterreich

DI Dorian Wessely

Cluster-Manager Cleantech-Cluster

Weitere Ansprechpartner im

Mobile: +43 664 818 6570
Dipl.-Betriebswirtin (FH) Frauke Wurmböck, MBA - Cluster-Managerin Medizintechnik-Cluster  Business Upper Austria - die Standortagentur des Landes Oberösterreich

Dipl.-Betriebswirtin (FH) Frauke Wurmböck, MBA

Cluster-Managerin Medizintechnik-Cluster

Weitere Ansprechpartner im

Mobile: +43 664 848 1279
Melanie Eggerl, BA, Projektmanagerin Cluster und Netzwerkmanagement Business Upper Austria - die Wirtschaftsagentur des Landes Oberösterreich

Melanie Eggel

Project manager
Mobile: +43 664 787 36247
Portraitfoto Ingrid Linhartova

Ingrid Linhart

Project Manager
Mobile: +43 664 884 98716
Foto von Iris Reingruber

Iris Reingruber

Project Manager

Office Hours: Mo.-Fr. 08.00 - 13.00

Mobile: +43 664 852 0907

Julia Miny

Finance & Controlling
Phone: +43 732 79810-5029
Bild Finanzabteilung

Finance & Controlling

Phone: +43 732 79810
Bild Personalabteilung

Human Ressources

Phone: +43 732 79810
Bild IT-Abteilung


IT Manager: Dr. Claudia Thonabauer
Phone: +43 732 79810
Portraitfoto Franziska Steidl

Franziska Steidl

Head of Corporate Communications
Mobile: +43 664 848 1252

Petra Danhofer

Corporate Communications
Mobile: +43 664 884 98723
Mag. Tamara Gruber-Pumberger - Unternehmenskommunikation Business Upper Austria - die Standortagentur des Landes Oberösterreich

Tamara Gruber-Pumberger

Corporate Communications

Working Hours: Mo + Tu 07:00 - 16:30,
We 07:00 - 13:00

Mobile: +43 664 848 1272
Portraitfoto Mag. (FH) Andrea Harris - Unternehmenskommunikation

Mag. (FH) Andrea Harris

Corporate Communications
Mobile: +43 664 856 8535
Mag. Ursula Allersdorfer - Assistentin Unternehmenskommunikation Business Upper Austria - die Wirtschaftsagentur des Landes Oberösterreich

Ursula Allerstorfer


Mo - Fr. 8.30 – 12.30 Uhr

Mobile: +43 664 884 98710
Michaela Lenhart, BA MA

Michaela Lenhart, BA MA

Project Management

Thematic Topics: Qualification, Event Management, Marketing

Mobile: +43 664 884 95296
Portraitbild Valerie Matzinger

Valerie Matzinger

Student Assistant
Mobile: +43 664 856 8517